Relationship & the Environment

Liberation from the Delusion

We are prisoners of a delusion….Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty.” ~ Albert Einstein

Constructs, the way we understand the world, are often formed by separation; which, can create a disconnect from our relationship-based, natural way of being. The concept of sustainability to preserve the Earth/environment is much more than minimalism versus consumerism.

As the Earth is consumed, the people are also being consumed with increasing decline of health, wellbeing, and social-economic equity and equality. Our recovery from delusion involves re-establishing an healthy, restorative relationship with our inner-self, community, and the environment. It is critical that we develop a balanced, sustainable way of living for the renewal of the planet and the continued evolution of life.

The Harmony Project helps to nourish connection and relationship with Nature, natural cycles, rhythms, and flows drawing from ancestral-indigenous wisdoms, noetic knowing, ancient light healing technologies and self-practices, and relational/folk/ethno-botany. These components are foundation to our applied research and the development of an ancestral-indigenous method that involves heart journeys to not only expand awareness; but also to heal personal, transgenerational, and collective trauma. This creates a fundamental shift in the way of we see and experience the world for a more expanded understanding of our relationships (self, others, and the Earth).

In addition, we also explore the relationship between physical matter and nonphysical energetic-consciousness. This micro level of studies offers a greater awareness of the natural dynamics affecting our quality of life, health and wellbeing, extended human capacities, and societal transformation. Aligning our awareness, thoughts, and actions; we can work toward healing the chronic stress, related health conditions, emotional wounding/trauma, social issues, and environmental challenges. Contact us to learn more about our nature immersion studies and applied research.